What if I told you that you could: Gain more energy? Lower your cholesterol and/or blood pressure? Lose body fat? Gain muscle? Get stronger? Move
What if I told you that you could: Gain more energy? Lower your cholesterol and/or blood pressure? Lose body fat? Gain muscle? Get stronger? Move
The other day I was waiting to get my passport photo taken at Walgreens. Waiting patiently makes for good “thinking time” for me. The photo
We all get the same 168 hours every week. Assuming you work out four times per week for an hour, it leaves you with 164
I was making small talk with a gentleman in front of me on the supermarket check-out line. At one point, I said, “Maybe this whole
I always thought I was an extrovert because I am pretty friendly and I like people. That is until a few years ago after I read a
I love dreaming about possibilities for the future and goal setting. I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions because it means that something I like
I was out on one of my thinking walks the other day and was reminiscing about a workshop I had attended the weekend before. At
I recently attended a workshop in New York City led by Phil Scarito, one of 12 master trainers in the world at StrongFirst, founded by
About seven years ago, I was at a party where the hostess was telling what she thought was a funny story about me, in front
I was sitting in my favorite chair the other day having an eye-opening conversation with my hair dresser, Barbie. For the past 16 years, we