Having been in the fitness business since 1999, I’ve helped thousands of people get in shape, lose weight, get stronger, and become healthier.
I’ve also found that one’s physical health tremendously influences one’s mental health and vice versa.
Stress management, better self-image, optimism, and positivity are just some of the non-physical benefits of exercise.

During my time as a coach, personal trainer, and now business owner, I’ve discovered that the best way to manage my own stress has nothing to do with exercise but everything to do with helping others.

I always tell my staff here at Active Life Fitness that while we are indeed in the fitness business, we are first and foremost in the helping business!

  • We help people to get fit.
  • We help people to get healthier.
  • We help people to relieve their stress.
  • We help people to like themselves more.
  • We help people to feel younger.
  • We help people to age better.

Think of the last time you helped someone altruistically.
How did it make you feel?
I’ll bet it helped you as much as it helped them, just in a different kind of way.

I believe helping others is why we were put on this earth, and it’s the main reason I became a coach in the first place.
I am so grateful to own a business where I get to help others daily.

Every time I help someone, I can feel the stress-reducing benefits it gives me.
Those who know me would say I’m pretty relaxed and chill and don’t get too stressed out about things.
I don’t sweat the small stuff.
Being in the helping business is one of the reasons why.

That’s not to say I’m perfect because I’m definitely not.
I still get excited, upset, and angry, just like everyone else, but when I do, I try to check myself and remember to be grateful for my family, my friends, my life, my health, and my calling to help others.

So, if you’re looking to relieve some stress, make it a point to help someone each and every day.

  • Start with your own family.
  • Help a total stranger.
  • Give words of encouragement or a compliment.
  • Give to a charity.
  • Make someone smile or laugh.
  • Lend a helping hand.
  • Go out of your way.
  • Give up your time.
  • Be a great friend.

It’s important not to expect anything in return.
Helping others is its own reward.
You’ll be surprised, too, how others will treat you differently.

You’ll live with less stress!
And that’s better for your heart and your health!

Marty Musikant

Picture of Marty Musikant

Marty Musikant

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About Active Life Fitness

We help individuals over 40 embrace a healthier lifestyle that’s filled with movement and activities. From weight loss to strengthening, nutrition to mobility, we help Union County, NJ residents live better. Start to life your best life, and love the way you look and feel.

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