How to Keep Your Blood Sugar Steady

2016 08 25%2B10.31.22

What if you decided to slow down and be more conscious of everything you consume versus yearning for everything you can’t have?

What if you decided to enjoy healthy foods and savor each bite instead of complaining how boring nutritious food is?
It all starts within your mind and in your kitchen! Loading your house with healthy foods is the first step in changing what goes into your mouth – then changing our attitudes towards those nutritious foods and accepting that whole food, not packaged and processed foods are what our bodies were intended to eat. The end result is feeling better, being more confident, and more comfortable in your clothes and your skin!

But I am addicted to sugar!
Confession time – I am a sugar lover! I love ice-cream, frozen yogurt, chocolate, cookies, and thick icing on the gooey brownies at Vaccaro’s Bakery! The more sugar I consume, the more I want it – it truly is addictive. I even use the “dark chocolate is healthy” justification when I need my chocolate fix. When that starts happening, I reel it in and gain back control. This year, it started with that darn Easter basket – I’m still using my kids as an excuse for eating bad things!

But I’m hungry all of the time!
I can relate! It seems as though the days I am hungrier are the days I am not consuming the things I should – like the water packed, nutrient dense veggies that help keep me energetic and hydrated. Other high carbohydrate type foods like bread and pasta have the same effect on our bodies as those sugary foods –  satisfying right after consumption but soon after it’s crash and burn time. Then the cycle begins when we reach for those same carbs when hunger strikes again. 

Keeping your blood sugar level steady all day is key! 
We can do this by adding vegetables like leafy greens, crunchy peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes just to name a few and of course a protein at every meal. Eating small meals every 3 – 4 hours will also help keep that blood sugar steady all day. 
It may take a few weeks for your body to adjust to this new way of eating and you will get used to eating less if you allow yourself to. Recently I saw a t-shirt that read “cool story bro, but did you die?” Yes, we can die of starvation but I promise you will not die from a few hunger pangs. 
Let’s give it a try for 2 weeks! The reason I say 2 weeks is because I don’t want it to be overwhelming – do this on a trial basis to see if it works for you.   
  • Savor each bite at every meal and slow down 
  • Keep your blood sugar steady by eating veggies and protein every 3– 4 hours
  • Hydrate your body by drinking 6 – 8 glasses of water every day
  • Eliminate processed foods
  • Choose fruits wisely – not all are created equal (more details in our nutrition journal)   
Changing our nutrition is the number one way to make changes in our bodies. We can’t “work off” the cake or ice cream we just ate or run a few extra miles to reverse the beer and nachos.

All this talk about food, I am going downstairs to make a beautiful blueberry and plain Greek yogurt parfait and moan with pleasure at every bite! Happy eating!

If you are interested in learning more, I would be happy to send you our free 60 page Nutrition Journal! Email me at or visit our website for more details.

Active Life Fitness Personal Trainers & Gym
94 North Ave, Garwood, NJ 07027
(908) 389-8009

Picture of Kim Musikant

Kim Musikant

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We help individuals over 40 embrace a healthier lifestyle that’s filled with movement and activities. From weight loss to strengthening, nutrition to mobility, we help Union County, NJ residents live better. Start to life your best life, and love the way you look and feel.

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