On many evenings, you may see some members of our ALF family dragging themselves in, understandably so. They have been beaten up by the stresses and demands of their commute, family, and jobs. Sometimes they arrive wiped out, exhausted, and unable to fathom how they will get through their workout. Welcome to life in New Jersey.
Once they start moving, their troubles seem to melt away, their energy level increases, and the stress of the day decreases. Witnessing this transformation is a beautiful thing and makes us so proud! Little successes add up to big ones, and changing our mindset in the process is critical!
I know it’s our job to inspire you, but lately, the tables have turned, and you have been inspiring us. We appreciate the fun, inspiring stories we have heard over the last few weeks as we have been on this push for goal setting and figuring out our WHY.
The other day, a member shared a great story with a group of us. She was referring to the conversation she had with herself as she was leaving work that evening. Stephanie was contemplating whether or not she should go to the gym. I’m sure it was the same type of conversation we all have with ourselves when we want to talk ourselves in or out of something we should be doing. She finally came to the conclusion that she would just walk her dog, Delilah, instead. After a few minutes, though, she realized that she COULD DO BOTH!